Dating Is Not A Status We Sit-In. It’s a Process We Move Through
Dating is an important and sensitive process in every relationship. It is a pathway to marriage, and as such, it must not be done in a hurry. Every stone must be turned, and tiny details must be taken note of to ensure a successful marriage. Dating is a form of relationship in which partners assess each other’s suitability, especially in regards to marriage. There are a lot of factors to be considered in dating, like character, emotions, personalities, temperaments, habits, likes, dislikes, hobbies, morals, and values. Therefore, you cannot afford to go through this process haphazardly.
Answers must be explored to specific questions to gain a sense of clarity and direction, especially for the future. The Bible says, ‘’For which of you, desiring to build a tower, does not first sit down and count the cost, whether he has enough to complete it”. Luke . This fact, in itself, underlines the importance of planning. Partners need to know who they are going to spend the rest of their lives with and what they are getting into. This takes time.
Most of the time, meeting someone new, especially someone you like sparks up a whole new level of excitement and a desire to know the person. If the person equally warms up to you, things just got simpler, and yes, you have chemistry, but even at that, can you really say you know the person well? A study shows that a person can date a person for up to 18 months before that person reveals their true colors. Therefore, a great deal of time and effort is needed to really know someone. (That’s why I favor friends over romance, so you can see that person for who they really are, and not get your heart hurt if it doesn’t work out. You didn’t venture into romance and building feelings for them before you got to know them honestly)